ASUCD Legislation

Legislation I Authored

As Vice President: 

Passed CA#80: A Constitutional Amendment to ensure stability in elections administration.

Passed CA#81: A Constitutional Amendment to allow for immediate enactment of student fee initiatives.

Failed CA#83: A Constitutional Amendment to ensure democratic selection of ASUCD Senators.

Passed CA#84: A Constitutional Amendment to address minor issues in the ASUCD Constitution.

Passed SB#2: An ASUCD Senate Bill to amend the hiring process for ASUCD Vice Chairpersons to be in accordance with hiring policy.

Passed SB#3: An ASUCD Senate Bill to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of meetings of the ASUCD Senate.

Passed SB#31: An ASUCD Senate Bill to revise membership of Internal Committees of the ASUCD Senate and the Board of Unit Directing Students.

Tabled SB#33: An ASUCD Senate Bill to Amend the Section on Special Committees.

Passed SB#35: An ASUCD Senate Bill to amend the Elections Code in accordance with CA#80.

Passed SB#48: An ASUCD Senate Bill to allocate $5940 to the ASUCD Mental Health Initiative for food vouchers for the Mental Health Conference. 

Passed SB#50: An ASUCD Senate Bill to improve the reporting structure of subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate. 

Passed SB#113: An ASUCD Senate Bill to allow more than one commission to consider the same piece of legislation in one day.

Passed SB#118: An ASUCD Senate Bill to facilitate robust discussion in the ASUCD Senate.

Votes (TBD if I actually do this seems like a lot of work)